The NFHS Podcast

How Missouri Has Grown Performing Arts Activities Under Davine Davis, Former Assistant Executive Director of MSHSAA

National Federation of State High School Associations

Our guest today is Davine Davis, former Assistant Executive Director of the Missouri State High School Activities Association. Davine, who has recently retired, helped establish Missouri as one of the leading states in the country in terms of music and she has served on the NFHS Education Committee as well as the NFHS Spirit Rules Committee. She made a career out of strengthening relationships with music directors across the state of Missouri.

Listen and learn more about her career, what she learned throughout, and more, including: 

  • How Davine's teaching background helped her throughout her career with the MSHSAA
  • How she was able to stay plugged in with music directors across Missouri
  • The most challenging part of her duties
  • One thing that she wish she knew when she first started in this profession
  • Her pivotal role in pioneering a music festival software to help facilitate district and state festivals